Let’s be honest: contemporary music is strange. For the unaccustomed listener — and often for the connoisseur too — it could sound like just noise. That’s because contemporary music is born from different beliefs on what music is or can be. We are explorers, composers and performers alike, adventurers into undiscovered auditory experiences. And just as painters strive to inspire in us new ways of looking at the world, we seek to spark new ways of listening to it.
In this album you will find four proposals — four invitations — to listen and see the world in a different way, and hopefully, by the end of it, my journey will have become your own.
Listen to the full album here.
String Quartet no. 1:
Five Colors of Tea
The ritual begins: we boil the water, endowing it with energy; we pour it onto the tea, and wait for secrets hidden in the leaves to slowly unwind; we set off on our journey. For it is that, a voyage into our deepest depths, down the least known pathways of our inner worlds, into our very essence.
Viola: Nina Sunyer Vidal, Cello: Adrià Cano Rocabayera

String Quartet no. 2: Archæan: When Water Was the Earth
Water as a physical element, essential for life; water as a symbol, heterogeneous, multifaceted, ever changing; water as a metaphor, as metamorphosis; depth, release, and flow.
Viola: Nina Sunyer Vidal, Cello: Adrià Cano Rocabayera
Morphing Clouds Piano Trio
Eternal transformation, boundlessness as definition, the lightness of air and the weight of a storm.
Piano: Daniel Ariño Fernández

Two Winter Landscapes
for Solo Violin
When the outside world is cold and white, warmth must come from the inside. Snow and frost conduct the two landscapes described through the notes.